The patient results screen shows multiple sets of detail.
1. Patient details
- Patient name, address and DOB
- PRC visit number
- Visit date and time the patient checked into PRC
2. The visit report. The report includes
- Clinical details
- Findings
- Comments
- Reporting & verifying Doctor names
The Note section is available to you to add a note up to 200 characters in length.
3. Previous Patient Results area shows the patient's PRC visit history
The Key Images / Worksheets area will show any key images identified by the reporting radiologist.
If no key images are identified, the area displays the message, No key images / worksheets associated for this result. Click here to view full image set in InteleViewer. Click this link to launch InteleViewer and view the full image set..
Alternatively, click on the View Images button at the top of the page.